How to Use Garlic
Debbie Brosnan Debbie Brosnan

How to Use Garlic

Garlic is the base of so many dishes. It is an aromatic that spans food cultures around the globe. In Asian dishes, garlic is often used along with ginger to start the cooking of a dish. In Latin cuisine, garlic is part of the sofrito which is the base of many dishes. In Italy, garlic is used in raw sauces like pesto and is also used to flavor many cooked dishes. 

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The Perfect Foodie Day in Rome
Debbie Brosnan Debbie Brosnan

The Perfect Foodie Day in Rome

Rome has some of the most incredible food in the world. It is a place that many people gravitate to for their vacation and to see all of the amazing sites, but I go for the food. The best thing to do is to explore all of the small streets and you may find that the better food exists away from the large tourist attractions. 

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An Italian Culinary Retreat with The Effortless Kitchen
Debbie Brosnan Debbie Brosnan

An Italian Culinary Retreat with The Effortless Kitchen

I had this idea to join my love of travel and food and create an experience for people to go on a culinary trip with me. My goal was to bring a group of people to a region of Italy and explore that area’s food and food culture through cooking class and food excursions. I thought that we could connect based on this shared experience and common goal. All of this happened and more!

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Christmas and Chanukah Food Traditions
Debbie Brosnan Debbie Brosnan

Christmas and Chanukah Food Traditions

My family is big on traditions. With a Jewish mother and an Italian grandmother, we had big feasts for every holiday and it always had to be the same. Not that I am complaining because I looked forward to these holiday dinners every year. When I think about any given holiday, I can almost smell and taste the food.

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