Christmas and Chanukah Food Traditions
Debbie Brosnan Debbie Brosnan

Christmas and Chanukah Food Traditions

My family is big on traditions. With a Jewish mother and an Italian grandmother, we had big feasts for every holiday and it always had to be the same. Not that I am complaining because I looked forward to these holiday dinners every year. When I think about any given holiday, I can almost smell and taste the food.

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Thanksgiving Traditions
Debbie Brosnan Debbie Brosnan

Thanksgiving Traditions

My family is big on traditions. With a Jewish mother and an Italian grandmother, we had big feasts for every holiday and it always had to be the same. Not that I am complaining because I looked forward to these holiday dinners every year. When I think about any given holiday, I can almost smell and taste the food.

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Brooklyn Is A Cultural Food Melting Pot
Debbie Brosnan Debbie Brosnan

Brooklyn Is A Cultural Food Melting Pot

I grew up in Brooklyn and I got a huge amount of my food education from my childhood. What I love about all of these experiences is it was a window into the world outside of Brooklyn. I got a taste of food from other cultures without stepping on a plane. I had yet to travel internationally and it whet my appetite. I have a huge love of travel to experience the regions food and food culture and part of it comes from those early days of “traveling” around Brooklyn.

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Food Memories
Debbie Brosnan Debbie Brosnan

Food Memories

Have you ever eaten something and it brings you back to an earlier time in your life? Has food ever made you cry with a memory so strong and meaningful? Food memories like certain scents are ingrained in our minds and when you smell or taste, you are suddenly transported to Grandmas kitchen or an amazing vacation you took.

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